Sunday, January 22, 2012


I am currently working on what is destined to be a tale which will be handed down from generation to generation. Well, if it's read by a few of you cool readers I'll be happy.
Urbaniak's is a market located on the corner of 24th and German streets in Erie, PA
and is still in business today.
My upcoming strip will tell of one of my visits to this institution of culinary delights.
Hope to have it posted by the end of the week.


  1. I'm in!, looking forward to it. Have you ever done any on the trade-a-book days?

  2. One scene that will always stand out in my mind was the stand where they sold fresh horseradish, this elderly heavy set lady with a hand (meat) grinder placing the large radish in the grinder, with tears running down her face as she turn the handle of the grinder.
